Sunday, October 28, 2007

Job : No Job / CX king : CX gumby

Well it has been an interesting time since my last post. On the 9th (my b-day) I was told that I would be out of a job on 1 December as the company was downsizing 1 technician and instead of experience they have decided to go with seniority. I'm low man on that totem pole. That and Oh by the way, could you head up to Montana and help out the lab up there next week? My response, "OK" (Great, I think there are some cyclocross races enroute).
Two days later I was told that things have changed and a bunch of other stuff. So to myself I'm like "OK, WTF? Does this mean that I have a job or not?" I'll error on the side of caution and start getting ready for unemplyment.

Big Sky Cross and Bozeman Cross
As records indicate I won the 40+ race on Saturday and was 2nd on Sunday. It was fun but the field size and intensity felt no where near Colorado racing. But a win is a win. Whoopi!
The bonus was fly fishing each day after the races. Bozeman is awesome. College town in the middle of fly fishing heaven, oh and the races aren't too bad either.
Then a week of fun in Great Falls. Well not really fun, just work. I would never move there (even though they offered me a job seeing as I was in the market). They do have a nice bike route along the Missouri river that eventually turns into a sweet dirt section that goes on for miles.
After all my success the prior weekend I was hoping that they would need my services for the following week and I could head to Missoula for a weekend of CX.
But alas, I was too efficient and had worked myself out of an extension. So it was back to home (9+ hours driving) and then to the Interlocken race in Broomfield the bext day picking my dogs up from the best kennel anywhere enroute.
needless to say my performance after the long drive was less than stellar, although I was the only rider to rider the sand pit.
So this week at work I was none to interested in working hard. And since there was no real work to do I spent the time sufing the job listings.
I have a possible in Fort Collins and I'm waiting to hear from a company in Boulder as to the position that they are advertising. Both would require me to move. So it's time to finish up all those home improvement projects that I started and then stopped when cycling season started way back in February. Back to work on the projects, got to have the casa ready just in case.

Boulder Cyclocross series at the Boulder Reservoir. After a good week of riding I was looking forward to the race. With the sand I should be able to have a decent race with my twin 25" motors to power me though. What I didn't count on was flats due to goathead thorns. 2 flats on 2 warmup laps then another flat after 1.5 laps of race. 3 flats was enough to tell me that I should have stayed at home, rode some miles on one of the best Sundays in a few weeks and finished up the rear entry in preparation for painting.
Next Saturday's race is at the same location, unless I buy some Tuffy strips I'm only heading to Sunday's smooth, euro style grass course.

1 comment:

CT said...

trampling all over those montana crossers - big meanie.