Sunday, December 30, 2007

Computers and bad weather

Today I discovered what happens when your laptop falls 5 feet onto it's side corner.

Miscellaneous hard drive failure problems.

After spending 4 hours of dealing with a computer that kept locking up and rebooting every 5-10 minutes trying to backup all the files that I wanted (still could not get all my documents as they were in corrupted locations) I decided the effort of refomatting the drive and then hoping that the errors did not continue requiring a new hard drive was enough to consider a new laptop.
Into town I went in driving through a blizzard. Found what I wanted at a reasonable price, and drove back through the blizzard home with my new laptop. Lighter, faster, brighter, and much more memory and hard drive space.
The Vista Home operating system is a bit different after being used to XP Professional all these years.

I can't wait to be on the road to the Southwest. This has been the worst winter I have seen since I've been in Wyoming. Snow, wind, cold, and more snow. It got up to a high of 30 degrees (and 40 MPH gusts) today. That's the high til Wednesday where we are forcasted to hit 40.

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