Monday, November 10, 2008

Pain in the Knee

Well, you know it's time to put something here when your sister gets on you about how you haven't posted in a while.
So here it goes.
After my last cyclocross race I took a day of rest and played with the dogs instead of riding my bike. This "play" time stressed my nagging knee pain to the breaking point sending me into pain level 10 with a following trip to the e-room as I could barely walk. 3 weeks later, an MRI and subsequent trip to an Orthopedic doctor I finally have my results.

Drum roll please......

A torn meniscus! and as a secondary result of the MRI, the doc also found some arthritis in the knee.
Arthroscopic surgery to be scheduled.
On another note, Dogs are enjoying their last days going for walks and runs under warm conditions. Winter is coming fast. We dodged a bullet last week when the storm hit to the north. Lows lately have been in the low 30s and we have already had our first 50+ mph winds of the Fall season. Stay tuned for more exciting stuff.

1 comment:

CT said...

good for sis! uhhh huh, forgot how to type did you? the fall winds make your fingers unable to hit the keyboard? torn meniscus = no updates - that must be the answer.