Sunday, March 1, 2009

Racing again

Woke up Sunday with no knee pain and decided to head south to Fort Collins for the Oval Crit. Met up with teammates TR and Pinto who were fresh off their weeklong travels complaining about hotel exercise bike saddles. They did the 45 minute cat 3 race while I warmed up for the 60 minute main event. Pinto pulled out a sprint good enough for 3rd place while TR again had rear wheel problems after a crash on the last lap took him down. My race started out fast as my heart rate went from resting to 170 in 30 seconds and stayed there for the rest of the hour. 8 minutes in it felt like 20 and I was wondering if I was going to come off the back as we cruised the first few laps @28mph avg. I eventually settled in and was able to move up in the field, even taking a couple shots at getting into a chase group after the breakaway was up the road. I finished in the field which was a great result when analyze my training. Of course the lack of intensity is showing the day after. I feel as if I’ve been hit by a truck and my lungs had been pulled partway up my throat. Next weekend maybe I’ll race with riders my age as there is a Masters race scheduled.
Today will be a nice recovery ride with a trip to the lanes to work on my bowling game.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Will the knee injuries ever stop?

After 2 weeks of nice temps I wake up to a dusting of snow. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon will be much warmer. First race of the year is at Fort Collins. I've been riding well since my knee surgery with little to no pain. That was until yesterday when I banged my right knee hard against a metal fixture at work. It's not swollen but it is tender to touch. I'll check it out today. So right now it's a game day decision.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

soon to be back

Yeah yeah, I've bee a bit out of the online posting lately. Stay tuned