Sunday, October 28, 2007

Job : No Job / CX king : CX gumby

Well it has been an interesting time since my last post. On the 9th (my b-day) I was told that I would be out of a job on 1 December as the company was downsizing 1 technician and instead of experience they have decided to go with seniority. I'm low man on that totem pole. That and Oh by the way, could you head up to Montana and help out the lab up there next week? My response, "OK" (Great, I think there are some cyclocross races enroute).
Two days later I was told that things have changed and a bunch of other stuff. So to myself I'm like "OK, WTF? Does this mean that I have a job or not?" I'll error on the side of caution and start getting ready for unemplyment.

Big Sky Cross and Bozeman Cross
As records indicate I won the 40+ race on Saturday and was 2nd on Sunday. It was fun but the field size and intensity felt no where near Colorado racing. But a win is a win. Whoopi!
The bonus was fly fishing each day after the races. Bozeman is awesome. College town in the middle of fly fishing heaven, oh and the races aren't too bad either.
Then a week of fun in Great Falls. Well not really fun, just work. I would never move there (even though they offered me a job seeing as I was in the market). They do have a nice bike route along the Missouri river that eventually turns into a sweet dirt section that goes on for miles.
After all my success the prior weekend I was hoping that they would need my services for the following week and I could head to Missoula for a weekend of CX.
But alas, I was too efficient and had worked myself out of an extension. So it was back to home (9+ hours driving) and then to the Interlocken race in Broomfield the bext day picking my dogs up from the best kennel anywhere enroute.
needless to say my performance after the long drive was less than stellar, although I was the only rider to rider the sand pit.
So this week at work I was none to interested in working hard. And since there was no real work to do I spent the time sufing the job listings.
I have a possible in Fort Collins and I'm waiting to hear from a company in Boulder as to the position that they are advertising. Both would require me to move. So it's time to finish up all those home improvement projects that I started and then stopped when cycling season started way back in February. Back to work on the projects, got to have the casa ready just in case.

Boulder Cyclocross series at the Boulder Reservoir. After a good week of riding I was looking forward to the race. With the sand I should be able to have a decent race with my twin 25" motors to power me though. What I didn't count on was flats due to goathead thorns. 2 flats on 2 warmup laps then another flat after 1.5 laps of race. 3 flats was enough to tell me that I should have stayed at home, rode some miles on one of the best Sundays in a few weeks and finished up the rear entry in preparation for painting.
Next Saturday's race is at the same location, unless I buy some Tuffy strips I'm only heading to Sunday's smooth, euro style grass course.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Frisco Cross aka I got Girled

Frisco CX races were this weekend. the 2 dogs and I went down and showed. Day one was definitely a buttkicker. I finished 30 something. Same place I usually place in these races. I don't ever go into these thinking "gee, I might get top 10".

It's fun and challenging. It's just not my strong suit.

Georgia Gould, Luna Bar pro MTBer, passed me on the 2nd lap of many to go on and win the Cat 3 race. My teammate Kevin, snapped his chain so he was unable to give her a run for her money. Too bad because he is riding strong. I actually got double girled in this race as Team Giants Kelli Emmett passed me also.

I think Nikki and Axel got more public announcements by Dave Towle the MC than I did during their time with me during the mens open race.

Day 2 was supposed to bring snow/rain/cold. Awaking to sun (and bouncy dogs) I discovered that no snow had fallen (although the Cubs had fallen in 3 straight, swept by the D-Backs)
Temps were in the 30s and rising. Perfect.
Course was a bit easier but my legs were still sore from the previous days effort. Melissa from Tokyo Joes passed me early and I did my best to stay with her before falling victim to my own tiredness and made a few mistakes that I could not recover from. I eventually finished 30th, just behind her.
Girrld again.
afterwards I took the dogs out for a mixer with the other CX dogs. Everyone says that they are so well behaved and that Nikki is the coolest looking dog they've seen. Dave Towle, the announcer, even had a few comments about my "killers".
Now I get to enjoy a 1 day holiday before going back to work on Tuesday,
thanks Chris Columbus

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Not Worthy

As a "roadie" I've never been really good in the soft stuff. I've done the occasional MTB race early in my life. They helped me to realize that I would never be great off road.
There have been times that I wonder how I never broke anything off road. the worst was when I was on a narrow single track in NC and clipped my handlebar on my non suspension Cannondale and lauched headlong into the brush. I got back up and finished the race. I remember the course had lots of mud on a hill that I had to run up because I couldn't ride it.

Flash to the World Military Championships and as an alternate for the road team I really wanted to race. There was the Track and Cyclocross disciplines open to ride as team USA did not have a rider for either. Track was out, I've never tried it and didn' t need to die on a cement 33degree banked track. Cyclocross hmm, I've done something like that. OK coach, sign me up. I told my Italian team I needed a CX bike to ride and the next day I'm being driven to the current Italian CX champion's house (Daniele Pontoni) to pick up 2 of his custom Alan CX bikes (1 alu and 1 carbon both with Campy Record) to borrow for the military races. With many thanks I'm back on my way to the team quarters with the 2 sweet rides.
I must admit that I was in awe meeting Daniele Pontoni, and very thankful. He was a 2 or 3 time Italian champion and 1997 World Champion.
Bumming CX lessons from the Dutch, Italian, and French riders helped a bit but in no way prepared me for what lay ahead.
The Worlds course was laid out in a vineyard that I had passed many times in training rides. I warmed up following other riders through the muddy hillside, through the rows of grapes, down though the muddy turns back out to the road which climbed back up to the top of the vineyard.
I had never raced a CX race before, I'm riding the current Italian CX champs bike, the warmup kicked my ass. What was I thinking?
I can say that I finished the race. I was lapped (possibly multiple times). There is a photo I have of me heading down a steep mud hill with fans and teammates yelling at me.
As I look back at this moment in my past, I think
"Man was that fun"
My Italian teammates were less enthused during the race, they expected more from me. I was sorry that I let them down. But hey, I have never raced CX before in my life. Probably only raced 3-4 MTB races before this.
Not worthy, I washed the borrowed bikes and returned them to Daniele. I thanked him and returned to my road life.
Who would have thought that 12 years later I would be ripping along in CX races in Colorado.
and lovin' it.