Wednesday, February 20, 2008


After a full day of driving to get out of Texas, by full day that includes numerous stops for dogs and driver activities, I arrived at Barksdale AFB (Shreveport LA). The plan was to get a few days of riding in before driving to a race in Alabama then on to Georgia. For once the weather in Cheyenne is looking better than the road trip weather. 54 and partly sunny in Cheyenne, 57 and 60% chance of heavy thunderstorms in La. That and I doubt Cheyenne has mosquitoes or 90% humidity.

If by chance it isn't raining in the morning, I hope to get in a couple of hours before me and the dogs go looking for hibernating aligators.

here's an image of my dogs looking their saddest at having to wait in the car while I time trial. At least Nikki is trying. Axel is deciding if it is worth being scolded jumping over the tailgate or not.

1 comment:

CT said...

those pups look like a king and queen. livin' the life.

the kit looks good.