Monday, May 28, 2007

After 2 days riding and working in the yard,

I had a nice break from the normally crappy Mondays that usually start my work week. I took advantage of the holiday off to head up the road sans bike but packing 2 dogs and my fly fishing gear. Drove to the beaver ponds located about 30 minutes away. Prior to fishing I had to hike with the dogs for an hour to calm them down so that when they saw the water they wouldn't throw themselves in scaring the brookies away. After about 2 hours fishing and a few fish and ponds later, it was time to unleash the hounds. Well at least my lab, Axel, wanted to swim, and swim, and swim, and... well you get the point. As for the road rash/wounds, my arm still looks like it was attacked by rabid rats and my hip's marks are shrinking slowly, but it's my shoulder that is really bothering me. Hurt's so bad that it woke me up last night to where I had to put on the icepack. Damn tomorrow is a work day.

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