Monday, May 21, 2007


Works wonders. After a half a day at work with a shoulder that was feeling like crap the Naproxen kicks in and it starts to feel better. so much so that when I got home and was getting ready to help out at the club hill race that I said what the heck, lets see what it feels like if I ride the bike around the house... no pain. Looks like the shoulder injury doesn't hurt unless I'm riding on rough roads (dirt). So off I went, hammering down the road 10 miles to the starting point. I arrived 18 minutes late but didn't care. Everyone was already gone and I just went into chase mode. Noticed I had a rear flat but didn't care, it still had air by the time I crossed the finish. It was drizzly back near the start and the tempurature had dropped about 10 degrees so I opted to catch a ride back to my house but ended up with good power numbers, 30 miles, and a sore butt. Turns out that the crash I had on Saturday had somehow pushed my saddle all the way back. No wonder I was riding on the front edge of the saddle to feel in position. Changing the bandages tonight I noticed reddness and swelling on my arm, signs of infection. It's back to the doc to have that looked at and maybe more meds. The doc today said that due to the pain he was unable to determine if it was in dact my rotator or not. so I'l be re-evaluated next week for a possible referral for an MRI analysis of the shoulder.

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