Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cubs on Fire and Lakers suck

Chicago Cubs are ripping it this year. Go Cubs! (are you happy sis?)

And as an avowed Kobe/Laker Hater, Go Celtics!

Wind was at 30mph with gusts in the 40s out of the west while I was riding home this evening. I think I got up to 14 mph on a steep downhill.


CT said...

holy moly, tues weds and especially thurs we had wind down here. at least today its calmed mostly.

Chris said...

yes, I'm happy! especially since they swept the Braves! Shack was getting the dust vac out the night they got swept and i said what do u need that for and he said to clean up and i said, yeah, u need to clean up that mess your braves left in Wrigley!