Friday, June 8, 2007

And the verdict is....

The shoulder is intact, no tears. Just a massive strain/pull/ whatever. A couple of months of physical therapy and I should regain full motion according to the ortho doc. I can now officially resume whatever it was I was doing before the May 19 crash put the brakes on.
MMmmm Bunny!
In other news Nikki caught the bunny that lives under the house again. This time I had to step in and take the bunny away as Axel was engaging in the "whatever Nikki has I want" game. Not wanting to have 1/2 a bunny between them, I picked up the little guy and put him in a cat crate to make sure he was fine. All limbs firing, a couple photos later and back under the house he goes.

1 comment:

CT said...

Maria will be so proud of you!