Thursday, June 7, 2007

Snow!?, allergies, and no riding

After 3 days of feeling like crap on account of a major alergic reaction to the pain meds I was taking, I finally am feeling good. Of course riding 2 times in 10 days does not help me if I hope to get through the Dead Dog Classic. It seems that even the weather now will not cooperate for me. It actually snowed today, in JUNE! Yesterday afternoon and through the night I endured average windspeeds of +40MPH with gusts to 65MPH and today a high of 45°. Yeah yeah, I can hear it now, I live in Wyoming. I bring it on myself. Hopefully tomorrow will be better after my orthopedic doc visit. Oh yeah, tomorrow I find out if my shoulder will require surgery or extensive rehab (or both). The way I feel right now, surgery would be a good way to regroup and prepare for next season. As for the allergic reaction I had, it was not what I would want to ever experience again. Itching and rash all over my body with my left foot swelling to twice normal size. Sorry no pics, I was in no mood for it. This weekend is supposed to warm up, we'll see how much.

1 comment:

Chris said...

it's ok bro, surgery wasn't that bad and it's much better now than it was before!