Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Celebrity status

I'm driving into work and I get a phone call. It's a friend telling me I looked good in the newspaper.
"Oh yeah, I was wondering when that was going to run. Where's it posted?"
"On the front page, large photo of you and a wheel"
Great, I'd better get a copy so I can prepare for the ribbing I'm going to recieve.

The day before I was entertaining the news/camera man while working away on some bikes. The paper was going to run an article on the the high price of gas driving people to seek alternative modes of transportation.
I had no idea when this was going to show. I thought maybe next week or the weekend.

Throughout the day at work people would come in and say things like "I saw you in the paper" "sign any autographs copies yet" "you represented the shop well"
and my favorite "you're that guy in the paper"

I didn't think Cheyenne was that small that I'd see that kind of reaction, guess I was wrong.

From what I can tell about the photo, I think I won the stare down match between the wheel and me.

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